
Harley, born in the USA from the renowned Gallivant kennel, was imported to Europe as a young dog by the well-known Labrador Retriever breeder-judge Kaca Kacian.

  • Breed: Chocolate Labrador
  • Age: 30/08/2019
  • Gender: Male
  • Weight: 42 kg
  • Coat: Chocolate
  • Loves water: Yes
  • Loves walking: Yes
  • Easily scared: No
  • Tested around cats: Yes
  • Training: Show training, swimming, underwater treadmill, ball retrieving

About Ch. "Harley" Gallivant Live To Ride 

Harley, born in the USA from the renowned Gallivant kennel, was imported to Europe as a young dog by the well-known Labrador Retriever breeder-judge Kaca Kacian. He enjoyed a highly successful show career before becoming part of our team at Alpha Delta. Harley is a multiple Best of Breed and Group Winning Champion, and he achieved reserve to the European Championship Best of Breed winner in Hungary. Additionally, he has sired the Junior World winner in Paris and holds a working title along with being a Group-winning Champion here in the UAE.

Beyond his show accomplishments, Harley is a good-natured and lovable companion. He has distinguished himself as an excellent and sought-after producer, having sired nearly 20 litters in Europe. At Alpha Delta, we are proud to have a special litter of puppies sired by him. Harley has undergone genetic testing, certified clear and non-carrier of all possible hereditary diseases, and has received hip scores of AA and elbow scores of 00.


We currently do not have any puppy.